Leadership Practice
Long term results depend primarily on your habits. At the organizational level, this means that the organization’s long-term results depend on the sum of habits of its members – the simplest definition for the organizational culture.
If leaders want to change something the in the results of the company they lead, the main source of change should be changing the habits of the people from the organization. Leaders influence others behavior whether consciously or unconsciously.
Long term results depend primarily on your habits. At the organizational level, this means that the organization’s long-term results depend on the sum of habits of its members – the simplest definition for the organizational culture.
If leaders want to change something the in the results of the company they lead, the main source of change should be changing the habits of the people from the organization. Leaders influence others behavior whether consciously or unconsciously.
The Leadership Process – Stell*R Leadership Model
For more than 20 years Trend Consult consultants are part of cultural transformation projects. Lately we managed to synthetize a conceptual model that integrated the main six factors that can influence people’s habits, and consequently can influence the organizational cultures – StellR Leadership Model.
Starting from here we drew a leadership process designed to bring clarity over the key elements of results desired by the leaders of the organization and to put the building blocks of a constructive culture.
- aduce claritate asupra elementelor cheie ale rezultatelor dorite de lideri pentru companie
- pune bazele unei culturi constructive

Programs, workshops, training, coaching for individuals and teams.
Change Habits, Drive Results - CHDR
The Leadership Journey
Applied Leadership
Stell*R Activation Kit (S.A.K.)
STELL*R Leadership Journey
Programs, workshops, training, coaching for individuals and teams.
Change Habits, Drive Results - CHDR
The Leadership Journey
Applied Leadership
Stell*R Activation Kit (S.A.K.)
STELL*R Leadership Journey
If you want to change your results the main area of investigation should be your habits- to see if they help or hinder you from obtaining the desired results.
If you want to change the results of your organization the main source of investigation should be the sum of habits of your people.
If you ask yourself how you can influence people’s habits and how you can improve the organizational culture, we are here to support you at one click away.